Sunday, July 1, 2007

July 1

We have not had summer yet, and, after a while it gets very old! But the sun is out today and perhaps summer is here. We always jokingly say summer starts on July 5. And that is really quite true. And, since we have not had summer, we haven't had a home sales period. I am still hopefull, but not expecting to sell this year. But cross your fingers for me anyway. It can't hurt.

I am being very wishy washy today and I hate when I am like that. I sort of want to go to town, so I don't have to go tomorrow after working all day. But it will be hot and crowded, and I may do better to stay here and just whine a little! I have things to do here, but frankly, when you work 6 days a week, it is hard to work up any umph for doing housework. But if I nap, I won't sleep tonight, and that is bad, too. Whine, whine, whine.

I am glad no one reads this but me.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Girl come visit me! You will wish you never axed for hot weather!